- HCM Certifications
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Workday HCM
Our Workday HCM training provides training from the basics, essentials, navigations and offers expert coverage of all HCM modules.
Workday Finance
Workday Finance Training is for both freshers Workday professionals who wish to transition their Financial skills to Workday.
Workday BIRT
Workday Report Designer (BIRT) enables you to design and use business form layouts for meeting the exact report layout specifications required by your organization.
Workday Payroll
To become a Workday Payroll Consultant, this course serves as a one stop solution in Payroll Compliance, calculations and reporting.
Workday Payroll Integration
Workday Payroll Integration Training enables to set up payroll-related data in Workday and configure both PI and PECI to meet the customer needs.
Workday Integration
Workday Integration Training is an advanced course offering in-depth concepts in Workday like Cloud Connectors, EIB and the like.
Workday Advanced Reporting
Workday Advanced Reporting training offers an in-depth knowledge in customizing, designing and altering reports. The curriculum covers various kinds of reports, worklets and dashboards.
Workday Studio
Workday Studio Training is an all-in-one package that covers a comprehensive curriculum comprising of studio debuggers, assembly editors, inbound integration and the like.
Workday Resume Creation
Workday Resume Creation Training is packed with tools that help you discover your superpower, find your ideal position, the tricks that will change your life.